Supply Lines 1(1)

Ukrainian Odyssey

Flag of Ukraine Move over Ulysses! Seven volunteers from IHC, led by Ron R, travelled to the Ukraine in September to check on the container in Zaporizhzhya and to assess the need for hospital supplies in other parts of the Ukraine.

Undaunted by the customs delay, our intrepid travellers made their way around the Western Ukraine visiting seven hospitals and two orphanages. The group was sobered by Spartan conditions in many of the hospitals; damp dark corridors; a paucity of operating room, lab and treatment equipment and supplies and few patients. Patients are required to pay for all medical services and supplies, which few can afford. However, valuable contacts were established at the time and have been continued from Canada. IHC would like to secure funding from these contacts to send more containers and also a guarantee that patients will not have to pay for our supplies.