Container Loading

Loading for Nigeria

photo property of International Hope Canada

Janice and Linda teamed to organize the container Ogun, Nigeria in partnership with the Nigerian Association for Young Adults of Canada Inc. They both provided short reports on the loading.

As stated in the application, “the supplies would be delivered to Ogun State General Hospital where they would be distributed to various departments based on need and also to neighbouring maternity centres where the need is critical.”

This year, the number of beds available for each container was an issue and was reduced to 22. This freed up a fair amount of space and exceeded what we planned for. In the last week of selecting items and in order to rectify this, extra pallets of boxes were selected from OR supplies, Respiratory and Patient Care. However, as loading day closed in, we found it necessary to add more beds.

I’m thankful that Janice was able to manage and carry on without me on loading day, but I know that she had lots of support. Sorry that a rotten old virus put me out of commission.

All in all, it was a great volunteer effort and Janice and I want to say thank you to everyone at HOPE for your contribution!
Cheers, Linda

I just thought that I would add a little to Linda’s report on the Nigeria container load. Unfortunately Linda was ill and unable to be at the IHC warehouse for the loading of the container on Saturday, April 8th. She has made recommendation to ease future container loads which is greatly appreciated by the Board.

I always find the Saturday loading with the partners the most exciting. To see all of the equipment and boxes of supplies moved from the warehouse floor to an empty 40 foot container is a remarkable sight.

Our IHC members were at the warehouse at 8:00 a.m. to begin the loading of the heavy electric beds. For some of the members it was their first experience in the loading process. After working in the inner warehouse all winter sorting the donated items, it is quite a rewarding feeling.

Barry was the load master for this shipment. His ability of space perception and his quiet personality was appreciated by all for helped on that warm Saturday morning.

Bryce and Marvin from Putts were with us again to begin the 2017 loading season. Shola had friends come to help as well and by 11:50 a.m. the container was packed, the IHC banner hung and the tradition photo taken with all involved on or around the ramp. The doors were shut, the seal applied and on Sunday morning it was on its way to Ogun, Nigeria.

After a rich soup and sandwich lunch provided by Irene from the Legion, Shola thanked everyone for coming out to help.

We look forward to seeing photos taken upon arrival in Nigeria.
Sincerely, Janice