YOU can make a difference by investing in the lives of those in need.

organizing boxes of supplies for a container to Somalia
IHC is a Canadian registered charitable organization. Our BN/Registration Number is 85942 7049 RR0001.
For more information on our charitable status, see Canada Revenue Agency’s website.
We require a steady and dependable supply of quality donated medical supplies and equipment.
We urgently need wheelchairs, as demand far exceeds what we have. Crutches, homecare, walking boots, casts and braces are also in great demand. We accept everything from hospital beds and operating room tables to dressings and sutures, and almost everything else.
While we would like to be able to accept all items offered, there are some things that while appreciated, we cannot redistribute overseas. When you contact International Hope, we’ll let you know if we can accept your donation.
Please note, the address on this website is our MAILING ADDRESS. You will need to contact us to get instructions on how to get to our warehouse. For safety and security reasons, we do not publish our physical location online.
We can reached by phone at 1-204-774-1102 – please leave a clear message with your phone number on our voicemail, or send us an email at info @
We require a steady and dependable supply of quality donated medical supplies and equipment.
International Hope Canada is a grass-roots, volunteer-run/driven organization – we have no paid staff.
Why Volunteer with IHC?
- to make a difference
- to work with a fun, friendly group of people
- no definite time commitment – come when you are available – several times a week, a couple of times a month or just once a month
Volunteer Opportunities:
- Sort Team – Join us to sort and pack medical supplies or sorting and packing medical equipment and supplies.
- Medical – We need doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel to be the first line of quality assurance to ensure supplies’ integrity while sorting.
- Drivers – If you don’t mind driving and a little heavy lifting, we need drivers to pick up items and deliver them to our warehouse.
- Testing & Repairing – We need volunteers to do testing and minor repairs of some equipment.
- Warehouse – We need volunteers able to do some physical labor like loading and unloading medical donations.
- Packing – Help pack sensitive equipment for shipment to ensure our donated medical supplies don’t get damaged in transit.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us!