IHC 15th Anniversary

IHC 15th Anniversary

On June 25, 2016, IHC celebrated its 15th anniversary. In addition to our present volunteers, past volunteers, representatives from local hospitals, personal care homes and most of the regions in Manitoba gathered together in the Warehouse to celebrate the major accomplishments achieved over the years. The array of food was spectacular but the highlight was the cake! Speeches were made by our current and past presidents. A PowerPoint presentation ran throughout the day highlighting all the stories past and present. The PowerPoint showcased pictures and written commentary of past years’ shipments. Everyone could recall an event or two! This anniversary was more than a celebration of being in existence for 15 years; it was, and will continue to be a celebration of IHC and all its achievements.

This remarkable journey began humbly in 1997. Who would have guessed that what started out as a shipment of medical supplies carried in a suitcase or two, would expand into shipments of huge 40-45 foot containers packed to the hilt.

IHC has amazing die-hard volunteers. They are dedicated hardworking people who never fail to show up to help on Wednesday or Saturday, or sometimes both days, gladly giving their time and skills freely.